Nuclear Safety and Training (KSU) in Forsmark and Åkerströms Björbo have announced a strategic collaboration aimed at increasing safety and improving training for operators of overhead cranes and gantry cranes by integrating Åkerströms Access_Ctrl and VR technology into KSU’s training programs.

KSU offers training in nuclear technology, operational management, and professional skills with a focus on increasing safety awareness and competence among personnel at, among other places, Swedish nuclear power plants. 

The training includes safety culture, risk management, and crisis management, utilizing advanced simulators for realistic training in actual environments. KSU collaborates nationally with Swedish nuclear power plants and authorities to ensure its training meets the latest standards and research in the field, and operates internationally with other nuclear stakeholders.

Åkerströms Access_Ctrl digitizes previously manual safety routines, primarily within heavy lifting. This is achieved by controlling authorization and access to overhead cranes and gantry cranes, drastically reducing the risk of personal injury and unplanned production stoppages. 

Åkerströms VR simulation offers operators realistic training environments where they can practice complex and dangerous scenarios without risking human safety or damaging equipment and goods. This improves the operators’ preparedness and competence.

“The collaboration with Åkerströms is a step forward in our effort to offer the most advanced and effective training for our operators so they are well-prepared to handle even the most challenging situations safely and efficiently,” said Joachim Lindström, head. Technology and Training Center, KSU.

Hans Åkerblom, CEO and sales director, Åkerströms said it was proud to enter into this strategically important collaboration to raise the standards for safety and operator competence.

“The collaboration with KSU marks the beginning of a long-term and successful alliance with the Swedish nuclear industry. It is fantastic to see how the development of our services is yielding results and opening up to more target groups and industries,” added Pär Helje, product manager, Access_Ctrl.