Each suspension crane, which features a maintenance platform, operates on 100m-long crane runways within the 8,000sqm building.

The crane technology installed by Terex comprises a complex system featuring three interlocking suspension cranes that are equipped with teleplatforms, a 10-t service load hook crab as well as a maintenance crane in the tail area.

The install features a process crane with multiple suspension arrangements that has a span of 32.5m and two suspension cranes with 17.5m span travel operating on two parallel crane runways in the 100m-long bay.

According to Terex, this particular arrangement enables the maintenance platform and service crab to be transferred from one crane to another into the precise required position on the plane.

With each Demag maintenance platform carrying a surface area of around 18sqm, maintenance professionals can access virtually any point on the aircraft, it claimed.

The 10-t-service crab also ensures that the cranes can also be used to install and remove large aircraft components.

Dr Lars Brzoska, vice president and managing director of Terex Material Handling said the order from China Southern Airlines emphasises the manufacturer’s "excellent position" as a key supplier to the aviation industry.

"With the industry-specific concepts and know-how developed over many years, we offer our customers complete solutions for safe and efficient manufacture and maintenance of aircraft," he added.