The courses will be available on OTG’s Ocean Learning Platform, which was specially created to deliver learning, assessment, and competency management courses that connect e-Learning and hands-on activity to improve knowledge, skills, and behavioral development.
Remote learning has become the norm for many seafarers due to the travel restrictions brought about by the pandemic.
Providing real-time 24 hours a day training keeps personnel informed and briefed on the latest best practices, which helps minimize accidents.
“Partnering with like-minded maritime companies such as Samson is core to our strategic vision for our learning platform. Opening it up to manufacturers so that they can provide best-in-class knowledge and training alongside our core library allows our customers to build joined-up learning pathways that maximize efficiency,” said Raal Harris, group creative director, OTG.
“Samson’s commitment to supporting its extensive product range with detailed eLearning courses is admirable, as all too often serious accidents can occur from a lack of knowledge in using ropes correctly when mooring a ship to a berth. We have had requests for more detailed material on OCIMF’s Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4) so having Samson’s courses available on our platform will give our customers access to the most comprehensive material available on the subject.”
“We’re really pleased to be teaming up with Ocean Technologies Group on this initiative. Offering our courses on their platform gives us an incredible reach into the seafaring community allowing access to our training 24/7 at any location. We are excited to be able to work together on the common aim of reducing mooring accidents and promoting the efficient use of the ships mooring lines and equipment.” said Will Pernett, product owner, Services, Samson.