Gerhard Wagner, aged 59, has spanned the divide between academia and industry. After completing a degree in mechanical engineering, he joined the staff of Darmstadt Technical School (now University) in the Mechanical Handling and Hoisting department where he completed his doctorate with distinction in 1980. He transferred to industry for 10 years – head of crane engineering at Donges Stahlbau, then section chief and procurement officer for Mannesmann Demag and then, from 1987 to 1989, as managing director of MAN GHH Krantechnik in Heilbronn – before returning to an academic life. He took up the chair for Machine Elements and Mechanical Conveying and Handling at Ruhr University in 1989 and became dean of the faculty in 1993. He was appointed rector of the university in December 2002.
Throughout his career he has taken an active role in crane standardisation in both ISO and CEN, most recently as convenor of CEN TC 147 working group WG2 Design – general. He is also a long-serving member of the Academic Association of Machine Elements and Construction Theory (WGMK) since 1990.