Deadline: December 11 2006.

Request for proposal to provide annual and bi-annual inspection services including certification, maintenance, repairs and load testing to  approximately 175 lifting devices (including hoists and cranes) and to provide monthly maintenance on base gate security barriers and annual prevention maintenance to dock levellers.

Work is to include all labour, equipment, materials supervision and transportation to and from the Department of National Defence, CFB Esquimalt in Victoria BC within the following areas:

– Ashton Armouries, Vanalman Ave, Victoria, BC

– Colwood BC

– Dockyard and Fleet Maintenance Facility

– Naden

– Nanaimo

– Pat Bay

– Ranch Point, Nanaimo, BC

– Rocky Point, Metchosin, BC

Miscellaneous requirements for repair and breakdown will be on an as and when requested basis.

Contact: Janice Reed, tel: +1 250 363 3249, fax: +1 250 363 0395.