As you’ll see in the second half of this issue, there are plenty of innovations set to be showcased by exhibitors at the show. Each article in the preview highlights a company and the technology it plans to promote at ProMat.

For our readers attending the show, it’s a chance to pick out highlights relevant to their operations; and for readers who won’t be able to make it to Chicago, it’s a guide to some of the developments that they may otherwise have missed.

It’s beneficial to the industry at large, promoting the cutting-edge technologies and breakthroughs that help to make hoists so versatile and important across a wide range of applications.

And finally, it helps to keep specific manufacturers and suppliers in the spotlight, by showcasing the capabilities and advantages of their products.

If you’re a supplier to the hoist sector, I would encourage you to share your latest news with us here at Hoist— not just if you’ll be exhibiting at ProMat, or any other forthcoming shows in the industry, but in fact at any point when your company launches or improves a product or service, or completes a project with a customer.

You may think that you need a full PR or marketing team to put together a press release but—with no disrespect towards PR and marketing agencies—that isn’t the case. Of course, a ready-written press release is always very welcome, but there are a number of other ways you can contribute to Hoist and in doing so, help to promote your business.

As a starting point, feel free to get in contact—my email address and phone number are below—to discuss any news that your company may have. An email outlining the news, followed by a quick phone call to discuss the developments in more details, is often all it takes to communicate the key information, and provide the basis for an article.

If you have a regular DSLR camera, or even a high-end camera phone, take a few photographs the next time you’re on the factory floor looking at your latest product. And if you’re at the operations of a customer who is using your equipment or services—and have their permission, of course—then photos of your machinery in operation can really help to illustrate what your products do, and what benefits they provide.

If the customer is then willing to provide a few quotes on their experience with your equipment, that’s always very useful as well.

A last couple of points, to address concerns that many people have before contacting the press—no, we don’t charge a fee for editorial, and yes, you are welcome to look over a provisional copy of the article before it is published. Simply request this when you get in touch with information on your latest products and projects—we would always rather ensure accuracy so are happy to oblige.

With all that in mind, I hope to hear from you soon.