Australia’s own domestic maritime sector emitted approximately two million tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2021-22, while heavy transport accounts for around 9% of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
“The shipping sector powers the global economy and represents an enormous opportunity to drive down transport emissions while ensuring it continues to deliver in the future net zero economy,” said Ian Learmonth, CEO, CEFC. “Stevedoring operations are traditionally difficult to abate and as both an owner and operator of multiple ports, FPH is in a unique position to catalyse change. Our work with FPH will demonstrate the potential for a more sustainable maritime sector, setting a precedent for decarbonisation across some 70 Australian ports.”
The funds will be used for projects such as hybrid straddle carriers, and an electric Automated Rubber Tyre Gantry at FPH’s Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal. Other initiatives include replacing Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) light vehicles and vessels with electric and hybrid alternatives, installation of solar PV systems and investigating connecting berthed ships to the grid to replace diesel bunker fuel.