‘Drone Snap’ loads a 3D model of an object to be inspected into a PC application, sets the shooting, resolution and angle of view required for inspection on the desktop, and outputs the setting information as a flight file. By loading this flight file into a drone, end users can automatically take photos as they see fit.
As a result, it will be possible for anyone, easily, and with high quality, to inspect equipment and patrol facilities using drones.
The two companies unveiled a prototype application for Drone Snap at the Infrastructure Maintenance Exhibition last year, which was demonstrated in a range of industries, including bridges, and plants. They have now expanded the number of drone models that are compatible with Drone Snap. One example of its use in plant manufacturing is Resonac Corporation, Oita Complex in Japan, which conducted a technical demonstration of 3D plant data construction and equipment inspection using Drone Snap at the end of last year. First, a 3D model of the entire facility was made by photogrammetry. After that, the created 3D model was loaded into the Drone Snap and configured, and the drone was automatically flown and photographed.
In the demonstration, the drone was able to fly accurately according to the flight route that avoided the explosion-proof area and shoot as planned.
Mitsui E&S and Zenrin DataCom will continue to use this application of drone inspections in the fields of port cranes, plants, infrastructure, and other fields.