President and CEO Timothy T Tevens said: “As Columbus McKinnon continues to build on its leadership position in North America and expand in growing and emerging markets in Europe, Asia and South America, we want to establish an updated and distinct corporate look to differentiate us in both domestic and international markets.”

To support this objective, CM is also adding a tagline to its corporate identity – material handling – easily and safely – that, Tevens said “clearly communicates both the mission of our business and value proposition to the global marketplace.”

He added: “Our new corporate logo is based on the trading symbol for our common stock CMCO, which is an abbreviation of our full company name [Columbus McKinnon Corporation].  While clearly different from the previous logo, the style of our new logo retains the CM name in the forefront of the four letter forms with a strong industrial look and a classic, but contemporary style.”

This change also establishes a unique look for Columbus McKinnon Corporation that is distinct from the orange CM brand logo and “clarifies to external and internal audiences our multi-brand strategy,” said Tevens.

Director of marketing Kenneth Beaver added: “An important part of developing our corporate identity is retaining the separate identities of our well-established, highly regarded brands such as Yale, Shaw Box, Coffing and CM while also communicating each brand’s affiliation with Columbus McKinnon.”

He said that to accomplish this objective, CM has added ‘a Columbus McKinnon Company’ and the new tagline where practical as an element of its brand names.