Apprenticeships will more commonly be found in building services, craft, electrics, plumbing and engineering-related roles rather than crane builders or even operators, including automotive, transportation, manufacturers and specialist consultants in steel plants, paper mills, ports and docks.

These roles are also not commonly found on websites so there is a lack of information available for the young where they can research roles and find out specifically what the jobs entail, how to get into them, what is offered and how to apply.

Docks are automated now so fewer jobs are readily available and advertised. This is the same with paper mills. With these technological changes, there is less need for individuals to work in these roles.

Some of these specialist areas offer low wages and it could be that UK nationals are not willing to work for these low rates.


It is ongoing, proactive recruitment that targets the young that will help to build this industry and encourage people to join it. It is about educating the young about what job roles there are, what is offered in terms of benefits and income and what is involved in the various tasks that is key. By making this information easily available and going out to educate the young, it will help grow the industry from the bottom.

By offering a more diverse range of apprenticeships that cover these areas, again, more people will be able to train and learn from an early age.