Business manager Jonathan Edwin said: “The Government has taken considerable flack for its plans to reduce HSE funding, but the construction industry is strongly advised against using this as an excuse for rising accident and death rates. After all, this is an industry wide responsibility.”

In a recent letter to industry publications, Edwin added:

“Maybe, and I stress it’s only a maybe, the cuts will result in fewer or less rigorous on-site HSE checks, but that shouldn’t give the green light for contractors to begin dropping standards. It’s a false economy to do so and will do nothing to reduce the time and money attributed to accidents and employee or equipment down time.”

Edwin believes there is a “real danger” of complacency. “Appropriate health and safety systems and a rigorous approach to equipment status management is proven to reduce maintenance costs, improve the likelihood of tendering success and also enhances business reputation,” he said.

To respond, write to editor Richard Howes at