The range of posters feature old-fashioned images in black and white, with humorous slogans. They highlight issues ranging from manual handling, working at height, slips, trips and falls, personal protection equipment, safe use of tools, safe working practices and noise. Each one is accompanied by a hotline number for further information and also offers employees the chance of more in depth training if they are not clear on certain regulations. 

“Some workers may feel bewildered by the recent flurry of recent health and safety regulations, so Hewden’s posters offer a simple and memorable way to understand them”, said David Ballard, chief executive at the British Safety Council.

A full set of the posters have been sent to each of Hewden’s 360 depots across the country.

Martin Williams, environmental health and safety manager at Hewden, said: “As the industry-leader, we are always looking at ways to minimize accidents at our depots. Unique and eye-catching designs ensure that people remember what they’ve seen and are also a light-hearted way of hammering home fundamental safety messages.”

The next phase of the campaign will be to launch a series of six posters for Hewden’s customers. These will highlight recent legislation and include advice on issues relating to dust, working at height, noise, slips, trips and falls and personal protection equipment.