Dear editor. I think your campaign is going very well, judging from the interest you have stimulated, and we are very grateful for that. I have had a direct enquiry from one supplier of “legal” remotes as a result of the publicity and we are dealing with it.

We are looking at the technical and legal issues, and an example of an “illegal remote” to follow up would be very useful, but, of course, we don’t yet have one.

Such an example would undoubtedly help us to determine the extent and significance of any wrong doing, the likelihood of any actual harm arising and the priority to attach to any publicity and remedial work.

I think following up an “illegal” would be the next step and that any further work and publicity will follow from what we actually find.

We are certainly grateful for your help and information so far, and if you are able to point us to an example of an “illegal” remote, it would indeed be very helpful.

Such an issue would not be raised by inspectors during routine visits as we deal with priority topics (those likely to cause the greatest risk in most workplaces) when we carry out routine visits, and so far we have had no reports of incidents or accidents.

Whether we can move this issue up the agenda will again depend on what we find. I have no doubt however that you are alerting key people to the possible risks.