Fellows Stringer dates back to 1841 and was the UK’s largest manufacturer of cranes in the 1950s and 1960s, according to Verlinde. It now employs 15 staff at its base at Netherton near Dudley in the Black Country, and has a multi-million pound turnover. Fellows Stringer is historically a producer of electric overhead travelling cranes and specialises in various industrial sectors, with the full support of the Verlinde brand name and product sets.

The company does much of its business in the Thames Valley in the high Wycombe-Oxford-Maidenhead triangle. Fellows Stinger’s clients operate in a wide range of industrial fields – from paper mills to power stations and the MoD.

Thomas Descamps, Verlinde managing director, commemorated Fellows Stringer’s achievement and congratulated managing director Tim Jackson.

Jackson said: “It gives a company like ourselves great confidence that we are backed by such a reliable and reputable brand as Verlinde. It certainly helps us in sales situations.”

Thomas Descamps, Verlinde managing director (left) and Simon Rothechild, Verlinde’s UK sales and marketing manager (right), congratulate Tim Jackson on 15 years as a Verlinde distributor verlinde