Attended by 16 people, representing a cross-section of the industry, companies represented included StageCo, ICRC, Outback Rigging, Kanlite and PRG, J & C Joel with clients from Russia, Australia, France, Belgium and Ireland, along with several from around the UK.


The course was designed to offer a comprehensive technical overview of the CM Lodestar motor and its workings. Attendee Ian Betts said: “The course was excellent and it was also great to catch up with the other people and share ideas and thoughts.”

The course was presented in tandem by LTM’s Dave Ward and John Jones in its specially designed training room.

Jones said: “Motor Schools continue to be hugely popular and in high demand.” He added that the company intend to keep holding three-four per year in addition to its on-site motor schools.

Topics covered included stripping and rebuilding motors, troubleshooting, common problems, the effect of rain and other environmental elements, double braking and operational practicalities like the correct use of chain bags.

Dave Ward concentrated on the more technical subjects, while John Jones discussed general motor, rigging, industry issues and product support.

The next motor school is planned for January 29 and 30 at the same location.
