The university specified that the rigging system lift spotlights and blackout curtains without touching the walls of the converted Victorian church building.

The design, conceived by project manager Glen Brown, features a super-grid over three moving sub-grids.

The super-grid uses a single-pile winding winch movement system rather than multiple motors to lower the grids to floor level for lighting adjustments between shows.

Milos contracted Independent Studio Services, a stage engineering firm, to complete the construction in six weeks. Milos was invited to tender the project by David Wainwright, senior technician at the Huddersfield University Theatre.

Commenting on the project, Brown said, “It was fantastic working with David and his team, which proved a great collaborative relationship, producing many ideas and exactly the results that everyone wanted.”

The Milton Building’s other performance space, Studio Two, had a Milos Quicktruss 290 Quatro grid installed by a different contractor three years ago.

The system complements an external lighting design lab, and will be used for university instruction, local and touring theatre companies.