In addition to secure credit card and pro forma purchasing, the site offers trade buyers the facility to purchase through their existing trade accounts with the company.

Authorised dealer purchasers will be issued with a secure log-in and password to enable them to place orders on behalf of their organisations – at their fully trade discounted prices.

Selected dealers will be offered the opportunity to join Pfaff’s new loyalty scheme, the so-called “SilverBlue Club, which will give them priority access to special offers and support services including to leads generated from Pfaff’s UK web marketing activity,” it said.

To celebrate the launch of the site, all purchasers will receive an additional bonus discount of 5% over and above their normal contractual entitlement.

Pfaff will be signing up users for the new e-commerce site from March onwards. To sign up call +44 (0)151 609 1900.