Hoist magazine will promote overhead lifting equipment above all other forms of lifting at NA08. Make sure, if you are exhibiting, you are part of the show preview that counts.
On a show floor packed with storage and automation equipment and lift trucks – there will be more than ever this year – it’s so important that overhead lifting equipment is given the exposure it deserves. Of equal significance is the need to introduce it to potential visitors before they get in the show grounds.
The magazine, and this website, is dedicated to informing the end user community about the overhead crane and hoist industry, its key participants, and the products and services they offer.
Make sure end users, distributors and manufacturers stop by your booth in Cleveland.
– What are your plans for the show?
– What will you exhibit?
– Do you have new products?
– What does 2008 have in store?
Please send through your words and pictures as soon as possible in order to benefit from the maximum online and print exposure.
Hoist at NA – promoting bridge cranes, jib cranes, chain hoists, wire rope hoists, blocks, end-of-line attachments and components.