A total of 34 news stories were posted live throughout the month. It is the third successive calendar month that the site has attracted more visitors than ever before.

Hoist editor Richard Howes said: “We’re delighted to break the record for the third month in a row. It proves the quality of the service on offer – the industry is voting with its feet.”

He added: “It’s satisfying that the industry is recognising the site, in tandem with the monthly printed magazine, as the best place to keep up to date with developments in the factory lifting business.”

Visit hoistmagazine.com for all the latest news, product finder, reference information and more covering bridge cranes, jib cranes, chain hoists, wire rope hoists, blocks, end-of-line attachments, components and the installation, maintenance, training, consultancy and trade associations surrounding this equipment.

Hoist has recently launched an online letters service. You can visit the letters page directly at www.hoistmagazine.com/letters.

To submit a letter, comment or reply – by name or anonymously – please contact editor Richard Howes at rhowes@wilmington.co.uk.

Hoist editor Richard Howes Hoist editor Richard Howes