Fitted with a digital camera, the pens’ advanced image processing and built in Bluetooth communication devices allow site notes to be transformed into digital media and immediately sent back to head office. The information is sent via the Bluetooth protocol to the user’s mobile phone, and then from here instantly transformed into an email attachment and sent through to head office.

The pen contains an ink cartridge so that the engineer can see what has been written or drawn, but is able to record the information in its memory when used on special “Anoto” proprietary patterned paper. This paper consists of millions of tiny dots, making it possible to identify the exact location of the pen on the paper. The digital camera in the pen records the information as a series of co-ordinates so that an exact representation of the form or notes is produced when the email is received back at head office.

This instant processing allows quicker investigation of any potential faults found on the engineer’s visit, the company said.