The machine will be manufactured and assembled by the Chinese site of Terex Port Solutions (TPS) in Xiamen and is due to be shipped to Uruguay by the end of the year.
This will be the first time TPS will have delivered this crane model to Latin America.
The Quaymate M50, which has a maximum lifting capacity of 50t, an outreach of up to 36m and a maximum hoist speed of 50m/min, will operate in the transatlantic dock of the terminal at Fray Bentos, located 120km north of the Rio de la Plata estuary in Uruguay’s agricultural and cattle raising area.
The machine will mainly handle citrus fruit, grain and round timber and help to increase the handling volume further. Operation with external power will help to increase cost-effectiveness and to eliminate exhaust gas emissions from the terminal.
The machine for Uruguay will be the fourth Quaymate M50 to go into operation in 2016, following a crane delivered to Australia in March and two machines supplied to South Korea in August.
ith force measurement equipment for a load test can produce certification and then lift a load immediately.”