Tomcat USA has launched its so-called Baxx-Truss, “the world’s only self-stacking, folding truss,” it says. Designed for speed by NBA production electrician, Rob Baxter, and developed by Tomcat, the unit has been installed for the LA Lakers’ custom court lighting system.
The Baxx-Truss “simply unfolds, pins and flies,” says Tomcat. Some 40ft of truss rolls from the truck and flies to trim in 10-15 minutes with just two stagehands, it adds.
The Lakers’ truss sections consist of five 8ft pieces of 30x16in heavy duty, open bottom truss, with a total rolling height of 88in.  Due to the spigot ends, the 40ft sections are easily assembled into far-greater-than 40ft lengths, as long as they are in 40ft inline increments.
As it unfolds up from a horizontal position (like an accordion), two hands on 8ft ladders simply pin the spigots as it flies vertically. The opposite happens as it flies in and folds on itself. Once deployed vertically, they swing over another motor point hung 40ft away, attaching this to the lower truss end and then lifting this end up, until the truss is horizontal.