Three ranges are being launched, the AP mechanical range and two digital ranges – ED Junior and EDxtreme. All have a working overload capacity of 150% minimum and an ultimate safety factor ratio of up to five times capacity. In simple terms, this means forces of up to five times capacity can be applied before it breaks.

AP mechanical dynamometers are available in 10 capacities.

ED Junior and Edxtreme digital dynamometers are portable units offering accuracy and repeatability to 0.2% of capacity or better. Capacities range from 1,000 to 50,000kg. The 26mm high dot graphic display features a choice of measurement units including kg, lb and Newtons. Both ED Junior and EDxtreme display live weight or peak hold for tension testing applications.

EDxtreme also has a sealed connector for serial communications. This enables data to be extracted and printed directly from the dynamometer. Alternatively, EDxtreme can be radio equipped to communicate with a hand held readout. The radio communicator has a range of up to 100m and can monitor up to four EDxtreme scales for load and total weight.

Said Bob Cooper, Salter Brecknell’s UK general manager: “Dillon dynamometers have a reputation for reliability and quality in the USA. Applications are almost limitless as anything that involves applying tensile loading or strain can be measured using this equipment.”